Friday, June 5, 2015

ADVENTURE IS WORTHWHILE. My first teambuilding with my first TeamRaps.

 It is hard to believe that it has been two years since I stopped blogging. I mark the time passed by looking at these photos. Unfortunately, I cannot open my old email account so I couldn't update my posts. As I read my old blogposts, our team bonding, our joy and fun washed over me in a fresh way. The team I love to talk about--talk about each other's achievements and it renewed my heart.                                                                                                                                                       

I thought this time that it would be fun to just share my old blog. There personalities that flowed out of them are truly a gift to my heart.                                                                                                         

Let me start with this. We spent our very first team building in Malapascua Island located in the northern tip of Cebu Island. It is heaven to those who love diving, and playground to those who love the beach. It is well-known for being a diving paradise that can be found in this part of the Philippines. Divers and holiday makers from all over the world are attracted to Malapascua’s beauty and its wonderful underwater attractions. After 3.5 - 4 hours, then you will reach Maya port from the city. Then ride a pumpboat to Malapascua Island. Fare is P180.00.
'twas dawn when we arrived in Maya port till we saw the beautiful sunrise...

Here we go.. heading to the island.. The Team Timraps or "The TeamRaps".
Travel time onboard the pumpboat is 25-30 minutes only.
( We were all YOUNG! haha :D )

Then after 30 minutes, we have reached the paradise!

Everybody looks hungry… Worry not, they’re not going to make a big mess out of food, but be sure not to try to disturb them while eating. A lot of people can’t think right when their stomach is empty.. hahaha ! ! ! 
A lot of restaurants to choose actually ( they are expensive but delicious ), for your tight budget there are also barbeque station there. In our case, we bought our own food from the city and grilled it by ourselves.
The view outside our villa
There are plenty of accommodations to choose. We were so lucky enough to get this affordable villa worth P2,500 which can accommodate all of us. 

Our comfy room
This was outstanding. Owners were welcoming, friendly, courteous, and helpful in many ways.. They went out of their way to make our stay great. the location is walking distance in the heart of the beach.

Our night activity after dinner. This was really challenging for us since we were having an open forum.
A team that works well together is more effective, more productive, and more successful — not to mention happier and more fun to work with! But establishing and developing those bonds can be tricky, especially when typical team building activities tend to induce more eye rolls among teammates than high-fives...

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