Sunday, September 4, 2016

Caffeine Coffee Shop

Address: 11 Celestino Gallares Street, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Contact #: (038) 422 8204
Opening Hours: 7AM - 11PM from Monday - Sunday
WIFI: - Y E S !

Photo Courtesy by Google

I have always looked at getting a great coffee wherever I am as a small road trip of mine. While I aspire to visit every worthwhile coffee purveyor, the sad truth is that there's not much money in my coffee coffers to make that a consistent reality, hehehe .. So until I get to a coffee shop, I'm more than content to breathe in their beans and slurp their brews.

During my college years, I would often stroll the area around the city looking for something to suit my emotion, something that is almost for free, haha! (student's life..sigh!) Only I could remember, in that era there were only few decent coffee shops until I finished university and stayed in Cebu for quite a long time. Now that I am staying here for good, I have noticed that the city has improved a lot that great spots began popping up here and there, making for a full turn around for the local coffee scene, and this is one of the few current spots I have visited yet.

Iced Caramel Macchiato
For coffee, they proudly serve different kinds of blended and espresso. In my most recent visit, I ordered this although I used to have hot one but since the temperature is quite high and already hot!!! so I got the cold one. 

It has a cozy atmosphere and its elite interior gives you that dainty notion due to its lights and furniture. Moreover, the crew was very approachable. 

I think there are still some coffee shops here in Tagbilaran city that I have to visit. Till then...

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